We’re casual about sex and serious about consent, but is it working?
“University administrators take it for granted that a certain amount of sex will be ‘casual,’ that is, devoid of intimate emotion or connection. But our rules now require the sharing of feelings, even in an encounter that is by definition divorced from them… We might succeed in cajoling more students into some kind of verbal consent. But that’s a script, a bedroom contract between sexual vendors. Yes, it will make the whole transaction legal. But consensual? Really? …If we want to protect our [female] students, not just their colleges, we will have to begin a deeper dialogue about the meaning of sex itself. Who wants to have sex, and why? And who really benefits from a ‘friends-with-benefits’ system?”
Four men gang-rape a 13-year-old girl in India and sell the video of her rape as porn. But she won’t be defeated. Her name is Bitiya, and she’s fighting back against all odds.
Toddler and 5-year-old girl raped in India. A series of recent rapes have sparked new outrage.
Men’s fear and hatred of women’s reproductive cycle: “A girl gets her period and is banished to the shed.” (must-listen)
“A Feminism where ‘lean in’ means learning on others” – An interview with feminist philosopher Nancy Fraser. She states:
“Mainstream feminism has adopted a thin, market-centered view of equality, which dovetails neatly with the prevailing neoliberal corporate view… Increasingly, it is liberal feminist thinking that supplies the charisma, the aura of emancipation, on which neoliberalism draws to legitimate its vast upward redistribution of wealth.”