Comedian Damon Wayans stuns radio host with defense of Bill Cosby: “‘Bitches’ were ‘un-rape-able.’”
Emma Thompson says she’s a “card-carrying radical feminist.”
Buy a copy of Blood and Visions, a new anthology of writings and artwork by 10 women who stopped their female to male transitions. The book includes personal stories, political analysis, practical advice, and resources for women who struggle with dis-identification from their female reality.
A MUST SEE video lecture about how the “new neurosexism” helps sustain the status quo by Dr. Cordelia Fine, presenting work from her book, Delusions of Gender.
Great essay by Glosswatch on the lack of proof of inherent difference between male and female brains: “Falling through the branches of the Ladybrain Tree.”
Six women in Mexico are killed everyday. This woman is creating mural art to break the silence around violence against women and inspire hope for the world to change.