Michfest is now over, but feminist energy from the event is still red hot. Check out all the entries from last week at Radfem Repost, celebrating Michfest with radical feminist voices.
As I sat in the airport, coming home from Michfest, messages played on the loudspeaker over and over reminding travelers to “attend to your luggage to prevent transporting items without your knowledge.” What if such attention was put into preventing human trafficking at airports? Here are seven warning signs to help travelers spot human trafficking.

Prostitution survivors speak directly to Amnesty International against the decriminalization of pimps and johns. “I cannot believe that a so-called human rights organization wants to promote the abuse of women and girls for the sake of men’s sexual desire.” Human rights are not just for men. #NoAmnesty4Pimps
Kenneth Roth, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch thinks that prostitution is a solution for women in poverty.
Drummer from M.I.A. runs whole London Marathon without a tampon — period blood running down her legs and staining her clothes — as a political performance related to women who don’t have access to menstrual sanitation products.