“Pornography has changed the landscape of adolescence beyond all recognition.” Doctor reports that in recent years she has treated a growing number of young girls for internal injuries caused by anal sex –not because the girls wanted or enjoyed it, but because they were expected to do it.

“The woman who turned the table on rapists in India.” Sunitha Krishnan made the bold and controversial move of posting real footage of men raping women on the internet. With victims blurred out, she produced a montage which forces the viewer’s gaze to the violator.
“Sabeen Mehmud, Pakistani women’s rights activist, shot dead.” (Rest in peace, sister.)
Rape victim-blaming judge wins lifetime achievement award.
Men sue universities for making their lives “stressful” by not covering up their rapes.
The Fifty Percent Project — Feminist professor fights for women’s fair share of space.
Since when did they start labeling books “for boys” and “for girls?”
What about the men? Women stand up for men in Hollywood with satirical PSA. #MakeItFair
Susan Cox is a feminist writer and erstwhile academic in Philosophy. Follow her @Blasfemmey. Got tips? Email us.