The modeling industry exploits underage girls who are legally unprotected, overworked, and underpaid.
If a feminist critiques the practice of wearing high-heels, she’s called a femmephobe. If a man does it, he’s given a cookie.
Three Toronto police officers charged with gang rape, released on bail.
“If these young, hot little girls on campus have a firearm, I wonder how many men will want to assault them.” Politicians use campus-rape as a reason to pass gun-carrying bill.
Women make up two-thirds of journalism majors, but are credited with only 36 per cent of bylines in print, Internet, and wire news. (What this latest study making the news rounds fails to mention is how often men are the editors of news outlets. They control what is printed and what is censored.)
A French feminist sister reached out to me who works at the Institute for Security and Development Policy, researching on organized crime. She had worked with a colleague to write an article on prostitution in Europe, which was then published at openDemocracy. The article was “unpublished” about a month afterwards, because… well, I guess they just don’t want to be too open, democratic, and “free thinking.” A male editor claimed the article was taken down because it made “tendentious” assertions. Meanwhile, the site has kept numerous articles vilifying work of the abolitionists up, including one by male troll and anti-feminist, Jason Congdon (@elfeministo). Screw this censorship of feminist voices! Here is the article: Legal prostitution in Europe: the shady facade of human trafficking by Aïssata Maïga. Please submit your complaints (and demands for fair coverage of this issue) to Robin Wilson: robin.wilson[at]

An American expatriate who fled to the wonderland of Canada, Susan Cox spends most of her time writing, reading, and cooking. Follow her @BLASFEMMEY.
Got a great article you think should be included in What’s Current? Send it to Susan Cox: cox[dot]j[dot]susan[at]gmail[dot]com