Sex & Sexuality

Can ‘maintenance sex’ ever be gender neutral?

Ah, “maintenance sex.” That good old fashioned idea that we are obligated to satisfy our partner’s sexual desires lest they leave us or cheat on us. Tracy Moore wrote about it for…

Let’s make ‘androsexism’ a thing we talk about

We already have lesbophobia, I think we need to add androsexism to our dictionary of words to describe the, shall we say “annoyances,” of being a woman who is, or sometimes finds…

Student virginity auctions and sexual economics

There has been another high profile student virginity auction; a concept I’ve been familiar with since at least 2011, conveniently contemporaneous with the raising of UK tuition fees to £9,000 but also,…

The gays are everywhere

If I were to announce that this is a post about the woes of queer youth in the countryside, I can be fairly sure most people would expect me to lament the…

On ‘grey rape’, Girls, and sex in a rape culture

About five years ago, I was out and about with some dude-friends. We went to a bunch of bars, danced, drank, etc. I was single and also, therefore, mingling. Flirting, they call…

It’s not ‘slut-shaming,’ it’s woman hating

We, in feminist land, like very much to encourage folks (particularly media-type folks, as they have a pretty significant role in framing discourse) to use correct language. Or, at very least, language…

PODCAST: Naomi Wolf’s Vagina & the Science of Female Pleasure

Meghan Murphy speaks with neuroscience journalist, Maia Szalavitz, about some of the controversial claims made about female sexuality in Naomi Wolf’s new book, Vagina. In her article, ‘Naomi Wolf’s Vagina Aside, What…

Can men and women be ‘just’ friends? My interview with Sam

Earlier this month ago I began a little project based on the frequently asked question: “Can men and women be ‘just’ friends?” For the purposes of my (and hopefully your) entertainment and…

Can men and women be 'just' friends? My interview with Amy

Earlier this month ago I began a little project based on the frequently asked question: “Can men and women be ‘just’ friends?” For the purposes of my (and hopefully your) entertainment and…