Lucy Allen asserts that female speech is still not considered human speech in “Beyond April Fool’s, everyday ‘feminism’ again.”
The tragic murder of Elaine O’Hara has this BDSM participant questioning BDSM ideology and its cultural impact.
In “The enduring silence of UBC’s ‘Hunting Ground,’” UBC History professor describes the academic administration’s complicitous “shh-ing” on incidents of predatory male professors.

“Prostitution: A word that UN women does not want to hear” (A must read on the censorship of prostitution abolitionists and attempts to rebrand exploitation as “sex-work.”)
“Blocking is survival” – Rebecca Mott on how blocking out the reality of being prostituted is essential to surviving with some sanity intact.
In an age where Jack-the-Ripper levels of gruesome violence against women have gained an almost mundane presence in the daily news, why aren’t we linking incidents of extreme male violence?
Cindy Gladue’s killer, Bradley Barton, was found innocent because she “consented” to “rough sex” that “accidentally killed her.” Barton was an avid consumer of porn that featured “extreme penetration and torture.”
Sign the petition to initiate an appeal of justice for Cindy Gladue or write here to demand an appeal.
Susan Cox is a feminist writer and erstwhile academic in Philosophy. Follow her @Blasfemmey.