What's Current: Men's role in feminism, celebrate the holidays with sexism, & Camille Cosby implies her husband is the true 'victim'

The question men’s role in feminism is both complex and simple: “Show, don’t tell.”

We knew the Rolling Stone story would be used in attempts to discredit rape allegations, but now this has actually happened: “Bill Cosby’s wife invoked the Rolling Stone sexual assault story to defend him.” [Vox]

How do you make men listen to women’s issues? Numbers! “Hilary Clinton spurs ‘Gender Data Revolution.‘” [Fortune]

More studies on women are great, but, of course, data can always be misleading. [Vox]

Google+ is following in Facebook’s footsteps by implementing system for users to self-assign their gender identity. [Advocate]

“How self-tracking apps exclude women.” The tech industry’s embarrassing lack of female perspectives is showing again. Also breaking news: menstrual apps designed by men end up being out of touch with women’s needs. [The Atlantic]Screen Shot 2014-12-17 at 12.50.12 PM

Canadian Tire has sexist Holiday flyers. Mom would probably like a gift for her, as an individual person, and not just an appliance to aid in her role as caregiver. [City News]

Science News Fail.” Yes, the media sensationalizes scientific research, but do they have to do it in such a sexist way? Stock photos are not helping. [Sociological Images]


Susan Cox An American expatriate who fled to the wonderland of Canada, Susan Cox spends most of her time writing, reading, and cooking.


Susan Cox

Susan Cox is a feminist writer and academic living in the United States. She teaches in Philosophy.